My yearly tradition of writing Christmas cards
I design and sell greeting cards. So it's not much of a surprise that I also send Christmas cards out every year.
It's a tradition I started a LONG time ago. I've often treated myself to an hour at a coffee shop, writing cards and enjoying a strong cup of coffee. For me it's about the connection I've made with the recipient. And no, I don't just sign my name inside. I usually take time (around 5 minutes) to personalize each card. It's not a ritual for everyone, yet many keep this tradition alive.
If you haven't sent holiday cards out in a while, and are considering doing it this year, I'd like to share 4 great reasons why you may want to.
1) Catching Up
To me, Christmas cards are the perfect way to share what I've been up to this year with my friends and family. I haven't been in touch regularly with most of my relatives. So a card literally gives me the right amount of space to let them know what's going on in my life. And wish them a happy holiday :-)
2) Slowing down
Getting out your cards, pen, stamps and your coffee literally sets you up to slow down and do an activity that goes counter to all the regular holiday frenzy. When you write cards you literally set aside "quiet time" for a fairly relaxing-some even say meditative-activity.
3) Connecting
Sending holiday cards is a great way to connect and reconnect with friends, colleagues and clients. Throughout the year we get this is the perfect time to pen even just a couple of sentences, and continue your bond and strengthen your relationship.
4) Giving your time to someone else
I can't remember the source, but I heard someone say: "How do you spell LOVE? T-I-M-E."
When you set aside time for card writing, you focus. You are literally giving your time to a specific person. And by doing that, you're sending a little bit of your love their way. I can't think of a better way to spend T-I-M-E.
So there it is. I know it might be a little early to start the cards, but it's food for thought, before the holiday mayhem actually arrives.
One final word:
I know not everyone is a fan of printed cards. There's the cost, the stamps, the trees that died, and so on. But if this is a tradition that you truly value, keep doing it. If this is an activity that helps you feel connected to those in your life and gives you joy-then you have to do it.
Happy November!