Making the most of summer: having fun with your friends

Making the most of summer: having fun with your friends

Ah summer! my favourite time of year. Being a gardener and part-time mermaid means that summer really is my season to shine. And I know for many folks in Ottawa summer is their favourite season as well.

But let’s face it: summer isn’t long, so I’m going to challenge you to find pockets of time to spend with friends, and have some serious fun. 

And before you protest, yes, I know you’re busy.

  • Yes, I know you have a family to take care of.
  • And elderly parents.
  • And you still have to work.
  • And so on.

But surely you can find a few times this season where you can sneak away with girlfriends and pretend you’re young and carefree?

Because here’s truth #1:

“But I’m so busy” has become the battlecry of everyone I know.

Honestly, I often think it’s an issue of priorities. Because at some point we all have to decide what it is that we actually need to do, and what we THINK we need to do. Lots of times guilt is the motivating factor. And that no longer works for me.

<for a related post, check out this one: "Tis the season to be busy">

And here’s truth #2:

It’s really easy to sit back and say “I have nothing to do. And no one to do it with.”

When you’re 50 and older, YOU are the adult. YOU get to make the decisions. And it’s up to YOU to create fun.

How about making a very real effort to connect, reconnect, or even get to know some of your friends better? 

There’s literally a truckload of stuff you can do with girlfriends:

  • go kayaking
  • go hiking together
  • have casual bbq’s
  • host a paint night/afternoon in your backyard
  • go check out a live band
  • check to one of the many festivals Ottawa has during summer
  • casual get-together to enjoy a glass of wine
  • paddle boarding: teach a friend!
  • meet up after work for a drink and snacks
  • check out a farmers' market or craft fair on the weekend
  • a coffee date at one of Ottawa's many excellent coffee establishments
  • walk your dogs together!
  • National Art Gallery date
  • casual summer potluck-al fresco!  

And if you have the time and budget, how about

  • a weekend trip to Prince Edward County to visit some wineries
  • renting a cottage for a few days
  • a weekend at a spa, or a yoga retreat?

This doesn’t have to be every week. Even once this summer might do. But do it. Don’t cheat yourself of an opportunity to deepen connections with friends. Don’t miss out on a chance to enjoy the beauty of our city (and province) and its many events.

And most importantly, don’t cheat yourself of a chance to have pure, unadulterated FUN.

Celebrate summer. It won’t last forever.

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